Shrubs Type 19: 2D Elevation View


Plants belong to the kingdom Plantae and are mostly multicellular, photosynthetic eukaryotes. The flowering plants, conifers and other gymnosperms, ferns and their associates, hornworts, liverworts, mosses, and the green algae all belong to the clade Viridiplantae (Latin for “green plants”), which excludes the red and brown algae. In the past, all algae and fungi were considered part of the kingdom of plants, one of the two kingdoms that included all living creatures other than animals. However, all current classifications of Plantae exclude prokaryotes, certain algae, and fungi (the archaea and bacteria). Green plants need primary chloroplasts, produced due to an endosymbiotic relationship with cyanobacteria, to photosynthesise most of the energy they receive from the sun. They are green because their chloroplasts contain chlorophylls a and b. Some plants lose their capacity to produce normal chlorophyll levels or photosynthesize because they are parasitic or mycotrophic. Although asexual reproduction is also frequent, sexual reproduction and generational alternation are what define plants.

Shrubs are woody perennial plants smaller than trees and typically have multiple stems from the base. They range in size from low-growing ground covers to large, upright shrubs that can reach several meters in height.

Shrubs are known for tolerating a wide range of growing conditions and climates, making them popular for landscapes and gardens. They provide various benefits, including privacy, windbreak, shade, habitat for wildlife, and year-round interest through their foliage, flowers, fruits, and/or bark.

Shrubs can be evergreen or deciduous, and the leaves may be simple, compound, and variously shaped and sized. Many shrubs are prized for their fragrant flowers and brightly coloured fruits, which can provide food and nectar for wildlife and add visual interest to the landscape.

Shrubs are used for many purposes, including hedgerows, screens, borders, and foundation plantings. They can be trained into a variety of shapes and forms, such as standards, espaliers, or topiaries, or left to grow in their natural habit. Some popular shrubs include azalea, hydrangea, rhododendron, rose, lilac, and boxwood.



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